Do you know the coco’s birds? No ? Have you never seen one in the sky of Paris ?
What a pity… they are so incredible!
Let me explain how Loedi does it. If you follow these tips…. maybe you will see them one day!
First, you should know that coco’s birds hate cold and bad weather. In Paris… this limits the opportunities, but don’t despair: the best time of the year is in July and August, during those two to three weeks of heat wave, when we dream of a cocktail on a beach surrounded by coconut trees… and we have nothing else but our dear Haussmann buildings.
Secondly, to optimise your chances, you should know that coco’s birds are great gourmets: they love fruit of all colours, preferably ripe. They can eat a lot in no time! If you want to have the chance to see them up close, do like Loedi and bait them with a huge basket of fruit!
Third and last important point, coco’s birds have only one leg and two very large wings. They are therefore not very agile and cannot land anywhere without damaging their delicate wings. To make them want to land next to you, add some long and stable poles near the fruit basket to give them an ideal perch. Like Loedi, you can also opt for real coconut trunks, but this is a little more difficult to set up.
Now that you know everything… think of climbing on the roofs of Paris next summer and discovering the coco’s birds!