On a sunny Sunday in January, Loedi sits in the garden of the Rodin Museum facing the imposing statue of Victor Hugo.
Suddenly, the statue starts talking…
“What are you doing, Loedi?
– I’m trying to draw you Mr Hugo.
– It’s not a very good likeness.
– But I told them I don’t know how to draw sculptures…
– Couldn’t you choose another model? Why me if you’re going to draw me badly?
– That is to say… the steps in front of you allow me to sit and settle down comfortably…
– What a cheeky girl! I thought it was to honour me, out of admiration for my person and my work!
– Sorry…. Yes, of course! Don’t get angry Mr Hugo, my drawing is not so bad after all, look!
– Um… what is this coloured background you have put behind us?
– Those are the decorations for the Dior fashion show that took place in the museum garden: large embroideries made by Indian artists featuring Shiva and …
– Shiva? I don’t know… but I like the colours. Why didn’t you put colours on me?
– Because you’re all marble, Mr. Hugo… white marble.
– I want colours.
– On the drawing? But…
– Of course not…. I want colours there for real! Paint me! I’m tired of being in white! Take your colours and get to work right away!
– But… I can’t… it’s forbidden!
– Forbidden? Forbid me, the great and famous Victor Hugo? What an affront! I demand colours right away!
– But ….
– Colours! Stop answering and get to work!
– …
– Loedi? Where are you going? Come back right now! Loedi? Loedi!!! I want colours! Come back! Loedi!!!”