
“- Look at Choco! Visitors marvel at the seeds in our meadows. Does nature have to be locked up in a museum for man to become aware of its beauty?

– Apparently Loedi… “sigh”.

– These are the same people who walk past parks, gardens, flower boxes and other plant installations every day without even a glance. And if I stop to admire a flower or the veins of a leaf, they look at me sideways as if I were abnormal.

You have to know how to look at nature in its natural state. Even in the city, it is omnipresent if you take the trouble to pay attention to your surroundings.

– But Loedi, maybe they don’t know how to see and wonder anymore.

– How sad! Could the exhibition be a bridge between their lost childlike soul and nature? An ephemeral bridge…

– Perhaps… “Sigh”.


A perforated spandrel for a breathtaking view

– Loedi why come to the Centre Pompidou since neither you nor I really like modern art?

Choco only received a big smile in reply, and then Loedi dashed up the escalators. One floor… two then three… four… five…..six!

On the sixth floor, Loedi crossed the gallery without stopping to look at the many paintings and sculptures. Choco trotted behind her and together they arrived at a huge terrace.

There, loudspeakers were placed along the railing and broadcasting … how can I put it? Sound? Noise? Certainly not music.

– Loedi what are we doing here? This sound installation is bursting my eardrums!

– I agree Choco but that’s not why I brought you here. Let’s ignore the noise and get closer to the edge…. There, you see?

– Wow, the Eiffel Tower! And over there the Arche de La Défense! And oh, there’s Montmartre!

– Yes! And down there is Saint-Eustache. And if you look over there, you’ll also see the Hôtel de Ville and Notre-Dame.

– It’s beautiful Loedi!

– Come on Choco, let’s go back inside now.

– Wait wait wait…. I’d like to keep enjoying it a little longer, it’s the most beautiful view of Paris I know!

– Hahahaha! You see Choco, you managed to forget the noise


The soul of a country

“How do you manage to play music on this broken harp?

– I can do it because the music I play represents the soul of a country: it’s the Ukrainian anthem.

– I don’t understand…

– Like this harp, even if everything around you is destroyed, looted and ravaged, never forget that the soul of a country and those of its heroes are immortal… Keep hope Choco, keep faith in the future. ”


Душа страны

“- Как играть музыку на этой сломанной арфе?

– Я делаю это потому, что музыка, которую я играю, представляет собой душу страны: это гимн.

– Я не понимаю…

Подобно этой арфе, даже если все вокруг разрушено, разграблено и опустошено, никогда не забывайте, что душа страны и ее герои бессмертны… Сохраняйте надежду, Чоко, сохраняйте веру в будущее.”

PS: Why Kharkiv and not another Ukrainian city? Because the drawing is based on a photo. The one of Alina who left her home when a shell fell in front of her house. She now lives in Paris and tries to keep hope in the future.


Почему Харьков, а не другой украинский город? Потому что рисунок основан на фотографии. Алина покинула свой дом, когда перед ее домом упал снаряд. Сейчас она живет в Париже и пытается сохранить надежду на будущее.

Once upon a time… at Café Léonard

Once upon a time… at Café Léonard, there was a happy band of amateur artists who liked to share their passion.

“You see, Choco, it’s more motivating to draw with others. And over a coffee, it’s fun! I can’t wait to see each other’s drawings!

– Yes Loedi! I’m hungry… Isn’t there a biscuit for me next to your coffee?

– “Sigh”. You’re always hungry Choco… and no there’s no biscuit.”

Loedi and the coco’s birds

Do you know the coco’s birds? No ? Have you never seen one in the sky of Paris ?

What a pity… they are so incredible!

Let me explain how Loedi does it. If you follow these tips…. maybe you will see them one day!

First, you should know that coco’s birds hate cold and bad weather. In Paris… this limits the opportunities, but don’t despair: the best time of the year is in July and August, during those two to three weeks of heat wave, when we dream of a cocktail on a beach surrounded by coconut trees… and we have nothing else but our dear Haussmann buildings.

Secondly, to optimise your chances, you should know that coco’s birds are great gourmets: they love fruit of all colours, preferably ripe. They can eat a lot in no time! If you want to have the chance to see them up close, do like Loedi and bait them with a huge basket of fruit!

Third and last important point, coco’s birds have only one leg and two very large wings. They are therefore not very agile and cannot land anywhere without damaging their delicate wings. To make them want to land next to you, add some long and stable poles near the fruit basket to give them an ideal perch. Like Loedi, you can also opt for real coconut trunks, but this is a little more difficult to set up.

Now that you know everything… think of climbing on the roofs of Paris next summer and discovering the coco’s birds!

In the land of the cedars

Many will tell you that this is a small country but it is not.

If only they had taken the measure of it by the rhythm of their footsteps… they would not have said the same thing to you.

Welcome to Lebanon!

Come, I’ll take you walking with Loedi and P’tit Jo in the heart of the mountains!

We will follow the purple and white markings of the Lebanese Mountain Trail (L.M.T.), the first long distance hiking trail in Lebanon.

Why the purple colour? Because the purple of Tyr (a coastal city in the south of Lebanon) is a purplish red dye made from molluscs, which the invention is attributed to the Phoenicians.

With the tent in the backpack and the drawing board under the arm, we will walk for eight days, from the Horsh Ehden natural reserve to the village of Baskinta. From north to south, in the heart of the Christian mountains.

Are you ready? Let’s go…


The joys of spring

“A garden, even a small one, is the gateway to heaven !” _ Marie Angel


With the return of warmer weather, it’s time to plant again!

This year, beans are in the spotlight, alongside tomatoes, peppers and nasturtiums!

They will soon take place next to the strawberry, oregano and lemon grass plants, at the feet of the raspberry, mulberry and myrtle trees!

And you, what have you planted this year?